Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers 2

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Update from the Diagnostic Specialist

Well we got a pretty good report from the Diagnostic Specialist that will be overseeing this pregnancy becuase of the Diabetes.  My sugar levels are pretty much under control with a controled diet.  So they are just going to watch me for the next few weeks and see if maybe we can reduce the # of times I have to test my sugar each day!  We got to look at Mr Daniel for about an hour while they measured him and made sure everything looked ok.

 They said everything looked good and normal.  There were only 2 abnormalities they found while observing every centimeter of him.  They said his thigh bone is measuring abnormally short, and not just short becuase his dad and I are short.  They said there is a slight chance of Down's Syndrome.  They said the chance is small but we should prepare for it just in case.  I've had blood screening for Down's, but they said even blood work is only 80% accurate.  They offered an amniocentesis but I told them it was too risky, I would take my chance.  No matter what, Daniel will be loved and spoiled the same whether he's healthy or has special needs. I don't see the need to risk his health just to know before hand.    Also, he's measuring 5 days smaller than my due date, but just a month ago he was measuring 4 days bigger.  So they are going to keep a close eye on his growth and we'll go from there!

He is definetly a proud boy!  And he is a very active little boy!  He is constantly kicking and flipping!  He isn't a big fan of having us take pics of his face.  He kept throwing his hand in front of his face everytime we tried to look at him!  Other than those two small things, he's perfectly healthy!  we go back in 6 weeks to let them measure him and everything again, so I'll let you know how it goes! go back to the ob in a few weeks and go to see a dietician next week!  Dr's Dr's everywhere!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March 2011

Well we went back to the dr and he is most definetly a boy.  He is healthy and growing big.

He isn't shy in the slightest.  He's moving alot now and I can feel him quite often now.  We bought his bed and have picked out the dresser now too. 

This is his arm from the shoulder to the pointy little finger he has poking out.  He's a lot bigger than Bella was at this point.

His little footprint.  He was moving so much we barely got to get a decent picture.

I'm so excited.  But we got bad news this day too.  I found out that I have Gestational Diabetes.  I now have to monitor my sugar really close.  I have to go see a Maternal-Fetal Medicine Specialist who specializes in Gestational diabetes and the mother and baby after birth to ensure everything is ok.  I won't know till after I talk to him whether i'll have to go on insulin or not.  I'm nervous.  I have to prick my finger a minimum of 4 times a day now which really sucks, and i've had to completely change my diet. read every label and watch everything that goes into my mouth.  Its a lot of work but it's so worth it as long as Daniel is born healthy!  I'll post again after I see the Specialist!