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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Dr's update!

Well we had 2 dr's appts this week.  We went to Dr McCrory Monday and he said I'm 3 cm dilated.  He said if I make it to Tuesday (July 5) then after I see him at 8 that morning then he's gonna most likely send me on over to the hospital to have Mr Daniel!!  I'll be 37 weeks and 2 days so it'll be a little longer than I carried Bella so we'll see.  I'm sooooo ready!  I still haven't gained any weight.  I'm 1 lb less now than when I got pregnant.  The dr said it's from my diabetic dr and not to worry Daniel is growing just right!

Tuesday I had to go see my diabetic dr for the last time!  I got a great report!  my sugars are under control and he told me I was by far his star patient and he was very proud of me! Daniel looks perfect!  The said he's weighing in at about 7 lbs which is big for his gestation but they said he's not too big so not to worry!

He definetly has the Lenard chin from his Papa!  It's so crazy... Bella was born with the same birth marks Luke Rials had after we had decided to name her after him!!  And now we got pregnant with Daniel the month after my papa passed away and he has his chin!  It's so crazy how our loved ones are still here even when they're gone!  We miss them but it's a nice reminder of them everytime I look at my kids!

Well they double checked that he was a boy... and he's very proud of the fact that he's all male!!!! lol 

His daddy was tickled pink by him not being modest!!!!  We are counting down the days! in 3 days i'll be 37 weeks but they said he's so big and with the steroid shots I got while in preterm labor he could come anyday and be perfectly healthy!  I'm getting anxious and soooooo ready to get this over with!!! lol  I'm getting nervous about the labor and delivery again but I'm more than ready to see his precious face!!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Latest Update...

Well it's been quite a while since I was able to update this thing... but I'm gonna give it a shot!

Well on June 1st Daniel decided to give us a scare of a lifetime!!!  I started hurting Tuesday night (May 31) and had the stomach bug... which you know is always a lovely experience.  Well i called the dr and they told me the same thing they always do.... take a warm bath and tylenol (to help the pain) and benadryl (to make me sleep) and try to wait it out to talk to my dr in the morning.

Well at 4 am Wednesday morning (June 1) I couldn't hold down water and I couldn't move I was in so much pain.  So I called the Dr back and they told me to go to St D!  I woke Michael up and he got dressed, we called Nanny and scooped Bella up still sleeping and dropped her off with her Nanny.

The drive to the hospital was horrible... I must say, we need new interstates... they are ridiculous!!!!  We got to the hospital and got checked in. They told me I was contracting every 3 to 4 minutes and was extremely dehydrated from the stomach bug as well as had a bladder infection.  They started me on IV fluids, anitbiotics, and giving me shots to stop my labor.  They also gave me pain medicine (Thank the Lord) because I was in so much pain I couldn't even answer their questions.  All day was the same thing... IV fluids, antibiotics, and shots to stop my labor.  Well the shots didn't work and neither did the fluids... I had even dialated a cm!... so they started me on Procardia pills to try to stop my labor. we did a few doses of that and still nothing was slowing me down. They explained to me that the last option was a Magnesium drip... there are a few pitfalls like your stuck in the bed... it makes your muscles weak... and you can only be on it for a certain amount of time and if it doesn't work then we'll just have to have the baby.  We agreed that we would do what it takes to keep him in so they started me on the Magnesium.  We stayed the night and more of the same of all the IV mess and lots of pain medicine since the contractions were still coming every few minutes.  Well Thursday (June 2) I finally started slowing down the contractions.  They got to about every 10 minutes apart and they were so proud of me they brought me Jello instead of just the ice and clear liquids I had been drinking!!!  I was so excited even though I hate Jello I ate a few bites of it! lol

Well by Thursday evening I was only having 1 to 2 contractions an hour so they decided to let us go home... on STRICT bedrest of course. and taking procardia every 4 hours.  so we were discharged.  Thursday night went good and Friday went fine.  Michael had to go back to work friday night so Bella and I moved up to Nanny's.  I was fine till about 10 and I started hurting again.  so i took a warm bath and some Tylenol PM and tried to bed down. well that didn't happen!  by 3 i was in so much pain i called the dr and they said come back in to St D! so I called Jen and she headed over to get me so Nanny and Bella could stay home.

Once again... we need new interstates! but Jen got me there and got me checked in and kept me company till after Michael got there! Bless her heart... I was in so much pain with no pain medicine I probably made her never want to have kids!!  What a great friend though I must say!!!!  Well I was contracting again so they kept me on my procardia and started giving me tributaline shots (however you spell that! lol) on top of the pills!  well after about 6 hours on both medicines I slowed back down and they let me go home again taking the procardia every 3 hrs which is as often as you can take it and staying on strict bedrest with LOTS of fluids!

I was in a lot of pain but we made it through the rest of the weekend.  Monday I went back to the dr for a check up and they took me off bedrest with the promise I would take it easy and could only work half days.

I went back to the diabetic dr and got a great report on Daniel. He's about 5 lbs and growing great! even though I did lose 4 lbs with the stomach bug so I'm 1 lb less than when I got pregnant!

I went back to work Wednesday (June 8) working from 7:30 to 12 worked 2 days and had to take off Friday cause the bladder infection had moved to my kidneys and had me in severe pain.  i went back to the dr thrusday for tests and they called me in an antibiotic yesterday (June 13). So the days between the 9th and the 13th were pain filled and torture!  But my hubby was amazing through it all!  I'm feeling a little better today after starting my antibiotics so hopefully things are looking up!

We went Saturday night (June 11) to get Daniel's carseat.  Bella got sick in target and threw up everywhere including on her daddy! then in the car and at home! it was lovely but she's much better now. 

Sunday we went and picked up Macey and Tyler... as soon as we got home Bella got stung right by her eye by a red wasp!!! scared me half to death!!!

Her eye is still a little swollen but looks great now!  She was so pitiful, all night she kept saying "bug got my cheek!!"  I'm so glad it wasn't her eye that it got.  Uncle Tyler killed one nest for us. Then last night her daddy found the nest that probably housed the one that got her and killed it!  So hopefully we won't have to fight with this any time soon!!!  well i know this one was long but like i said it's been a while so thanks for reading!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Summer Fun

Well, this summer has already began with loads of fun!!! 

We've been to a Brave's game!  Bella loved it! she was so good and sit through almost the entire game!

We've worked on the 4 wheeler a few times getting it ready for this weekend, when we go to Tennessee to ride at the White Knuckle Event!  Bella is such a big helper!  She actually helped put the lug nuts on the tire!

Daniel's getting bigger by the day!  this is me at 27 weeks preggo, the day we left to go to Florida!

Wow what a difference! this is me at 30 weeks!  I can't believe how much I changed in 3 short weeks!

This is my rock n roll princess!  her and her daddy enjoy playing air guitar to Peter Framton (how ever u spell it) while driving down the road! it's toooo cute and she's growing up WAY too fast!

This weekend we headed to the creek to play and boy did we have a blast!

After about 4 hours on the creek, Bella was beat... she fell asleep like this before we even got off the creek and half way to the truck!!!  It was soooo funny.. she slept for like 3 hours then got in bed after her bath and slept the whole night!  We definetly know how to wear this little girl down! lol

We've ALMOST completed Daniels room!  A few more things to do and we'll be ready for him!  only got a few more weeks!

This is the newest member of our family... his name is Turtle... Bella won't let us call him anything different...  He's a pretty good pet.  He isn't too scared of us and can handle just about anything that Bella throws at him.

We also went back to the obgyn this week.  we go back to the specialist and the obgyn the first week in june but for now, Daniel is still doing great! they are very proud of my diabetes and said they couldn't ask for a better patient.  I lost a pound, which they said was fine, but I've now only gained 3 pounds total for the entire pregnancy and this weekend I'll be 32 weeks, which is 8 months.  I'm excited about going back in june cause we get yet another sono!  I love seeing him and love knowing for sure that everything is still ok!  As my due date approaches I'm getting anxious and nervous.. trying to plan everything is a little overwhelming but with the help of my wonderful husband, things to seem to be falling into place!  I sure hope everything keeps moving so smoothly!

This post was kind of long... but i wanted to update it before heading to tennessee.  Not sure how much longer it'll be before I get to post again!  Thanks for reading!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Update on Baby #2!

Wow, I can't believe it's been over a month since I updated this thing! It's been mighty crazy around here! 

Well we went back to the Obgyn and to the Specialist.  We got good reports from both!

The Specialist did another hour long sono and said that Daniel looks great, he is growing good and gaining weight just fine.  My diabetes are under control with my diet so I now only have to test my sugar levels twice a day instead of four times daily!  Which made me so happy, I almost cried! lol

He said Daniel is still measuring small and there is still a chance of the down syndrome but he didn't seem as concerned as he did last time.  They said he's weighing in at 3 lbs and right at 15 inches long so he's not too behind in that aspect. 

This is Michael Daniel Johnson at 29 weeks.  He looks like he has his daddy's nose, so we'll just have to wait and see.  Bella looked the same way and she still looks just like her daddy!

The Obgyn said everything looked good to them the only thing is I have now officially gained 4 lbs!  Until I was 26 weeks I was below prepregnancy weight, so I have officially gained weight!  I was a little bummed cause I was so proud of myself for not gaining a lot like I did with Bella, but they said they are proud of me for waiting till the 3rd trimester to gain any weight.  They're hoping this low weight gain will help with an easier labor and delivery (since I'm a little on the heavy side prepregnancy no weight gain is fine).  30 weeks down, and 10 to go!  Getting close and exciting!! 

Our trip to Florida was amazing.  I'll hopefully have pics to post this week and can tell you all about it!  Bella had a blast and it really did our little family some good to get away from it all for a weekend of just family time!!  I love my family!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Update from the Diagnostic Specialist

Well we got a pretty good report from the Diagnostic Specialist that will be overseeing this pregnancy becuase of the Diabetes.  My sugar levels are pretty much under control with a controled diet.  So they are just going to watch me for the next few weeks and see if maybe we can reduce the # of times I have to test my sugar each day!  We got to look at Mr Daniel for about an hour while they measured him and made sure everything looked ok.

 They said everything looked good and normal.  There were only 2 abnormalities they found while observing every centimeter of him.  They said his thigh bone is measuring abnormally short, and not just short becuase his dad and I are short.  They said there is a slight chance of Down's Syndrome.  They said the chance is small but we should prepare for it just in case.  I've had blood screening for Down's, but they said even blood work is only 80% accurate.  They offered an amniocentesis but I told them it was too risky, I would take my chance.  No matter what, Daniel will be loved and spoiled the same whether he's healthy or has special needs. I don't see the need to risk his health just to know before hand.    Also, he's measuring 5 days smaller than my due date, but just a month ago he was measuring 4 days bigger.  So they are going to keep a close eye on his growth and we'll go from there!

He is definetly a proud boy!  And he is a very active little boy!  He is constantly kicking and flipping!  He isn't a big fan of having us take pics of his face.  He kept throwing his hand in front of his face everytime we tried to look at him!  Other than those two small things, he's perfectly healthy!  we go back in 6 weeks to let them measure him and everything again, so I'll let you know how it goes! go back to the ob in a few weeks and go to see a dietician next week!  Dr's Dr's everywhere!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March 2011

Well we went back to the dr and he is most definetly a boy.  He is healthy and growing big.

He isn't shy in the slightest.  He's moving alot now and I can feel him quite often now.  We bought his bed and have picked out the dresser now too. 

This is his arm from the shoulder to the pointy little finger he has poking out.  He's a lot bigger than Bella was at this point.

His little footprint.  He was moving so much we barely got to get a decent picture.

I'm so excited.  But we got bad news this day too.  I found out that I have Gestational Diabetes.  I now have to monitor my sugar really close.  I have to go see a Maternal-Fetal Medicine Specialist who specializes in Gestational diabetes and the mother and baby after birth to ensure everything is ok.  I won't know till after I talk to him whether i'll have to go on insulin or not.  I'm nervous.  I have to prick my finger a minimum of 4 times a day now which really sucks, and i've had to completely change my diet. read every label and watch everything that goes into my mouth.  Its a lot of work but it's so worth it as long as Daniel is born healthy!  I'll post again after I see the Specialist!

Monday, February 7, 2011

It's a Boy!!!

Well Friday 2/4/2011 was a cold and dreary day to most.  But my little family had more than one reason to celebrate!!  February 4, 2004 is the day Michael and I started dating, so we have now been together for 7 years!  And we got to check on our new little bundle of joy which is always fun but nerve racking!!

We went to the doctor, expecting to be told it would be 3 more weeks before they attempted to find out the sex of the baby.  The weather was terrible and it was soooooooo cold, but Michael and I decided to go on to the dr to get things checked out!  Luckily we took Bella with us, because we got there and they were so slow they let us try to see if the baby would cooperate long enough to find out the gender.

We went into the sonogram room trying to keep telling ourselves, "this isn't a guaranteed try that we'll find out!" So we wouldn't get upset if we didn't succeed!  Well at first he didn't want to cooperate.  He had his back to us with his feet under his butt.  But after a few minutes of jiggling him around he moved and there it was!!!!

I cried, Michael just laughed, and Bella wanted her tummy to get jelly put on it too!  It was surreal!  We are soooooo excited and can't believe we already know what we are having!  His heart rate was 156 and they said that was perfect!  So everything is healthy.  We go back in March and get another sono to check all the intestines and make sure nothing is wrong and we get results back from blood work.  And the dreaded sugar test!! yay!!!

But here he is!  Michael Daniel Johnson (named after his daddy, and both grandpa's!)  We'll call him Daniel!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Christmas & New Year's Eve

Santa was so good to us this year!  We not only got tons of gifts from Santa, but we got to share with our family the blessing that is coming in a few short months!

Every one was very excited!  Bella loved all the attention she was getting while wearing this shirt too!  When we went home to get ready for bed she didn't want to take it off!!!

She got so much from Santa, we're still trying to figure out where to put it all!!

I think this was one of her favorites!!  But I think the favorite of the whole group was her pow!  Her pink BB gun that included BB's!!  watch out windows!!!  She was so excited when she woke up Christmas morning!

This is her cheesing!  She was so happy with all her presents!  She kept asking MORE??? when we would give her another present to open!

She got some pretty awesome presents from family members too!!  this one is from Uncle Thomas he gave her her very first doll house and she plays with it all the time!!!

On New years her and May May took a nap before the festivities began!

Then before midnight she was ready for bed again!  She really did have an awesome christmas and I think she really enjoyed the fire works too!!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

First Doctors Appt

So we went to the doctor for our first visit, and had all the usual tests done.  Blood work, pap smear, and of course, our first sono!!!

This is the first image we saw of our new little peanut.  The heart beat was strong.  171 heart rate.  And the baby was wiggling up a storm.

We were so glad to know that the baby was ok and we go back on February 4th to check the heart beat and just a regular checkup.  Then around the end of February we will find out what he/she is!!! can't wait!!!

I'll update again when we have more information!